Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Doing Virtuous Business

By Theodore Malloch, Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Theodore Malloch excels at his perspective that people should buck up, quit their whining, and get back to work.

But not so quick. He is not a heartless conservative businessman, but rightly shows how this is good for people. Entitlement and resentment, the foundations of the feminist-welfare dependency state we now have in western countries, hurt most those with the entitlements and resentments.

Faith is the way for people to lift themselves up again. Malloch calls out anti-capitalist liberal crusaders who frame capitalism is very negative terms and call businessmen greedy and money-hungry. He shows that faith and business are not mutually exclusive. In fact, faith is essential to running a company.

Malloch's many anecdotes clarify his beliefs. He centers much of his argument on the virtues, such as honesty. Acting honestly will aid a company by forming close, loyal relationships with customers and other businesses. Dishonest businesses eventually face the fallout of their immoral ways.

He calls business leaders to live their religion and morality at work, even citing the example of a Southern Baptist-owned restaurant that closes on Sundays, yet remains profitable and continues to expand. He argues that such a business plan allows the employees regeneration time, so they can better serve customers on Monday.

Profit is not the most important thing in a business. Living the vision, virtues, and values of the company are more important, and these will bring profit as well, Malloch argues effectively.

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